
3onedata's Gigabit Managed Ethernet Switch IES7110 Series for Your Harsh Mission-critical Applications

The IES7110 from 3onedata is a series of 10-port 100M/Gigabit layer 2 managed industrial Ethernet switches that designed to meet harsh mission-critical applications, such as outdoor surveillance, coal mine and smart cities. They allow great flexibility to build up a Gigabit redundant SW-Ring and a Gigabit uplink, and adopt industrial-grade design to fit harsh environments.

3onedata's Compact 5-port Unmanaged Switch for Building Robust Ethernet Platforms in Industrial Environments

The IES2105 from 3onedata is a series of 5-port unmanaged industrial Ethernet switches that equipped with extremely compact design to fit into crowded control cabinets and machines.

3onedata's 2022 Year in Review

3onedata's 2022 Year in Review

Extend the Transmission Distance of Your Ethernet Devices with Easy and Reliable Ethernet-to-Fiber Media Converters

3onedata offers rugged Ethernet-to-fiber media converters that specially designed for critical industrial applications, such as machine manufacturing, factory automation, building automation, and utility tunnel, providing a reliable and cost-effective solution for industrial Ethernet to fiber conversion.

3onedata's Easy Solution For Modbus RTU/ASCII to Modbus TCP Conversion

The IGW1111/IGW1112/IGW1114 Series from 3onedata are 1/2/4-serial-port Modbus gateways that convert between Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU/ASCII protocols.

Develop Reliable, Certified, Rail-specfic Networks with 3onedata’s EN 50155 Compliant Ethernet Switches

In response to the growing demand for reliable railway communication networks, 3onedata has introduced two series of rugged Ethernet switches that specially designed to meet EN50155, the onboard standard for electronic equipment, which encompasses not just EMC requirements but also shock, vibration, wide temperature range, humidity, and power supply variations.

Enable Your Legacy Serial Devices Connected to Ethernet-based Networks Secure and Simple

If you need to connect plenty of legacy serial devices over IP networks, serial device servers can provide a simple bridge between your serial devices and modern industrial automation systems.

Extend the Transmission Distance of Your Serial Devices with 3onedata’s Serial-to-Fiber Optic Converters

Serial-to-fiber optic converter(also called serial-to-fiber optic modem) is the best solution to overcome these problems and extend the reach of your serial communications. The MODEL277 from 3onedata is a series of industrial serial-to-fiber optic converters that transfer RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 signals to optical fiber ports to enhance transmission distance.

3onedata | Introducing the ICS5530 Series 10GbE Layer 3 Core Switch That Accelerate Your Digital Transformation

The ICS5530 series 10GbE layer 3 core switch from 3onedata is equipped with 6 10GbE SFP+ slots, 16 Gigabit SFP slots plus 8 Gigabit Combo ports (SFP slots or RJ45). The sufficient optical interfaces and bandwidth make the ICS5530 series ideal for large scale industrial networks.

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